
Jodine Turner


Virtual Book Tour thank you!

I appreciate all the great folks who stopped by to say hi during my Virtual Book Tour. I hope you enjoyed all the book excerpts, interviews, and book trailer to celebrate Carry on the Flame: Destiny’s Call.

Thank you Bels of TheBookishSnob for organizing my Book Tour. You are wonderful! And a thank you to all the fantastic blog tour hosts. Be sure to check out their blogsites, they are all an incredible group of readers and/or writers, interviewers, and reviewers.

Congratulations to Krysta Banco, my big Giveaway winner! Krysta will receive copies of all three novels in my Goddess of the Stars and the Sea series – Carry on the Flame: Destiny’s Call, The Awakening: Rebirth of Atlantis, and The Keys to Remember. Thank you for following my Book Tour, Krysta, and happy reading!


Hosting Blogs: (as well as the links in case you missed the book excerpts and interviews and would like to see them!)

The Bookish Snob – Book Excerpt / Giveaway  http://thebookishsnob.blogspot.com/2011/09/carry-on-flame-blog-tour-with-jodine.html  

eReading On The Cheap – Book Trailer / Giveaway  http://ereadingonthecheap.com/?p=217

All Things Books – Book Excerpt / Giveaway



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