My novels are part of the Goddess of the Stars and the Sea series. Though this Goddess’s name, and the inspiration for the title of my book series came through inspiration, it seems this is no accident.The word sea has several language roots. Mar, mer, and mari all mean the sea. In Latin, the word mare means the sea. Think of all of the modern words derived from these roots – mermaid, marina, marine, to name a few. Now, put these word roots and their meanings together and you will find some fascinating legend and historical correlates.
+Mari is one of the most ancient names of the Goddess. It means Mother Sea.
+Stella Maria means Star of the Sea. It is the epithet of the goddesses Isis, Ishtar, Aphrodite, Venus, Mari-Anna, and the Virgin Mary
+In legend, Stella Maria’s star was Venus or Sirius (I have also seen it as listed as the Pleiades, and that is the star formation featured in my novels).
+Stella Maria is often depicted as dressing in a blue robe with pearly foam edging.
+Mari-Anna also means Sea Goddess and Ishtar.
+Stella Maris is the title that first belonged to Ishtar. She was known as the Goddess of the Sea, Lady of Compassion, Provider, Protector, Regeneratrix, Keeper of the Mysteries, and the one who manifested as Magdalene.
+Mari-Ishtar anointed, or Christened, her doomed god Tammuz when he went to the underworld where he would rise again at her bidding. That is to say, she made him a Christed one. Anointing is symbolic of Sacred Marriage.
+The ancient title of the North Star was Stella Maris, Star of the sea, Star of love, Star of Compassion.
+The root of the name Mary means love, compassion, giving, flowing, and also sea.
The Tarot Star depicts stars that pour out the water of Life, revering the earth.
What fascinating connections!
from the book cover of The Awakening: Rebirth of Atlantis by Jodine Turner
Christal Banister artist.