
Jodine Turner


How to Embody Love: an Adorata Virtues Webinar

“The sixteen Virtues are the pillars of My heart. Stand strong among these pillars and you will build your own temple of Sacred Union.”
~Divine Mother, from Adorata: the Path of Enlovement
I came to the Adorata path in a round about way. My background is in nursing and I hold a doctorate degree in counseling. But for the last 15 years I have been an author of Visionary Fiction. Visionary Fiction is storytelling that may have spiritual, metaphysical, or supernatural aspects, but most of all, it gives the reader an intimate experience of a shift in consciousness through the character’s experiences in the story. The theme in my novels is always about embodied love.
Embodied love is the alchemy of Sacred Union within your body and heart. Embodied love is practical and down to earth. It is your capacity to give love and be loved, in all of love’s forms. It comes through harmonizing your inner female and inner male.
I prayed and knew that one day I would find a body of teachings and a spiritual path that could teach people, in practicalways, exactly how to embody love. Well, my prayers were answered when I found the system called Adorata, founded and developed by the Italian-born modern day mystic, artist, and humanitarian, Tiziana DellaRovere.
What is Adorata?
Adorata is a body of teachings and a spiritual path that unites a Divine Feminine based spirituality with a new archetype of Divine Masculine spirituality, to create embodied love, the alchemy of sacred union within your body and heart.
Adorata harmonizes and mystically transforms your inner male and female within, which are two aspects of the psyche existing in all men and women regardless of sexual preferences. A disharmonious relationship between your inner male and female can cause you to experience life as an exhausting struggle; it may attract undermining situations, or may underlie unhappy relationships or work situations.
What are the Adorata Virtues?
The Adorata Virtues are the foundational stepping-stones to embodying love. They are archetypal attributes of the Divine Feminine depicted in sixteen Madonna portraits that emanate the qualities of each Virtue and are accompanied by sacred text and prose. The Virtue Courseis a mystical experience of embodying these fundamental aspects of the Divine Feminine.
The Adorata Virtue Course is an Initiation!
In the course you will read the sacred text and prose, do meditations, dance, ritual, art, insightful exercises and introspection, as well as incorporating practical suggestions in applying and embodying the Virtues in your daily life. You will also learn the powerful Adorata Meditation, which is the mainstay of the Adorata system.
The Instructor – Dr. Jodine Turner
I am a certified Adorata Practitioner, having undergone a five year training program with Tiziana DellaRovere. I will be offering the Adorata Virtue Course in the first eight foundational Adorata Virtues of Purity, Serenity, Wisdom, Abundance, Devotion, Harmony, Passion, and Trust.
The Webinar Course
This course is offered as an online, interactive, virtual webinar class through CSourceWisdom. The class will meet for two hours once a month for eight months. There will be exercises and initiatory practices offered throughout the month to help you apply and embody the Virtues in your daily life. Opportunity for interactions with fellow classmates and the instructor will be provided and encouraged in a safe, private environment of a virtual campus.
Classes begin in August 2014 and carry on through March 2015. Class time is Saturdays from 10 am– 12 pm PST.
August 9, 2014
Sept 6
Oct 11
Nov 8 
Dec 6 
Jan 10, 2015 
Feb 7 
March 7
Course Fee: The fee for the eight classes is $60 per class, or a one-time payment of $465. The beautiful Adorata book entitled Adorata: the Path of Enlovement, by Tiziana DellaRovere, is included
I invite you to join me to engage in the initiations of embodying love!

Click here to REGISTER

Video describing the Adorata Virtues Course

Painting by Tiziana DellaRovere


Jodine Turner is the award winning, best selling Visionary Fiction, fantasy author of the Goddess of the Stars and the Sea series about priestesses who have lived in Avalon down through the ages to today.  www.jodineturner.com

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