
Jodine Turner


Global Ebook Awards

We all like to be acknowledged for our talents, for our creativity, for our accomplishments. Writers are no different. We get input from our critique groups, our beta readers, our agents, editors, and publishers. But we especially appreciate the feedback and reviews received from readers.

We love to know if our book touched them, helped them, or changed some aspect of their life. Visionary Fiction authors such as myself, aspire to transform and expand perceptions for our readers through the experiences of our characters. Because that is one of the main goals of Visionary Fiction, I find myself craving feedback for my novels. Did the characters in my novel speak to my readers, and move them on a deep level? Did my novel expand their consciousness, heart, and soul in new and different ways?

So, when I get a favorable reader review, my heart feels fulfilled. And when I receive acknowledgement from the writing industry, I know I have done my job well as judged from the standards of my peers.

My novels Carry on the Flame: Destiny’s Call and Carry on the Flame: Ultimate Magic have been favored with  four National Awards. And most recently, Carry on the Flame: Ultimate Magic just received Honorable Mention in Dan Poynter’s Global EBook Awards. Dan Poynter is a prominent expert in the field of publishing, a leading authority on ebook publishing. All novels in his global contest went through a nomination and approval process in order to be entered.

I am so grateful when my novels are recognized. Happy dance!!

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