
Jodine Turner


Readers’ Favorite Monthly Book Giveaway

Current Monthly Giveaway books by  Readers’ Favorite.com Giveaway Winner will be announced on May 1, 2020 This is a completely free giveaway available to readers, authors, and anyone who loves to read! Each month authors provide a Kindle copy of their book to be given away. New books are added every day. You can select … Read more

Beltaine Celebration Novel Excerpt

May 1st marks the ancient Celtic Festival called Beltaine. The word Beltaine means the magic of flowers. It is the season where nature’s life force reawakens from winter’s deep slumber, bringing us the budding and blossoms of spring. We feel the vitality of summer approaching, its greening energy courses through our veins. Fecundity abounds, making … Read more

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