
Jodine Turner

The Awakening - Rebirth of Atlantis
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The Awakening – Rebirth of Atlantis

The Awakening is the story of Geodran, a strong-willed priestess with ancestry from the stars who lives on the continent of Atlantis during the time leading to its destruction.

The final days of Atlantis are marked by deceit, lust, and greed. The once vibrant culture, blessed with advanced knowledge bestowed upon it by a race of star beings, now suffers with a corrupt governing body and a degenerate priesthood.

The Goddess of the Stars and the Sea is awakened from Her dreamtime with the knowing that a change for humankind approaches. The Goddess intervenes to assist humanity, and calls upon the young priestess, Geodran, to be Her helper. Geodran struggles to fulfill a destiny larger than and in conflict with her own personal desires, a destiny bestowed upon her by her mother, the High Priestess Jaquine. In a moment of maternal desperation, Jaquine had promised her unborn child, Geodran, to the Goddess, in return for the baby’s safe birth, thus sealing her daughter’s fate. Geodran’s journey is a heroic quest to bring forth the next era of human civilization. The Awakening is an initiation into the mysteries of the Goddess of the Stars and the Sea.

Prologue from The Awakening: Rebirth of Atlantis

I am the Goddess of the Stars and the Sea, She Who Sees to the Evolution of humankind. I am known by few. I sleep until the stars awaken Me from my dreaming at the dawn of each new era of human evolution. While I am fully awake, I assist humans in their times of transition. I do this willingly, but humans must help.

Many years ago, by human reckoning of time, I was roused from my sleep during the wet season of Atlantis with the knowing that a time of change for humankind approached. I listened. Into my vast silence blew the voices of a storm and the words of a lone priestess.

I watched quietly as the elements danced in agitation. The wind churned ocean waves, white froth spilling over the rocks that dotted the shoreline of Atlantis. Sand blew in tiny funnels on the beach. Large raindrops began to fall. Its eye opened in luminescent fullness, the moon shed silver light upon the scene. The priestess Jaquine leaned against a boulder, her tears mingling with the salty water of the ocean, her long dark hair whipping wildly about in the wind. Jaquine’s essence shone brightly from the power place in her belly. She held her pregnant womb with her hands, caressing it. Her eyes were closed in prayer.

“Goddess, I beseech you. Two infant girls have been lost to me. My womb released them before their time. I pray, help me keep this one. I bleed now when I shouldn’t. Let this baby live! Let my womb hold her until she is ready to come forth into the world.”

I listened in stillness, the silence broken only by the sound of gusty wind and raindrops falling to the earth. The moon’s illuminated gaze let me know that this, and no other place in Atlantis, would be the place where a calling would be born. Here I would find a human to help in the urgent task that woke Me from my dreamtime. With a new era of human evolution dawning, I must see to it that all went well.

Jaquine spoke again. “The priestesses of the Holy Temple tell me the child that grows inside me is a girl. She must live to carry on my lineage. I must pass onto her all that has been taught to me.”

I remained silent. Let the moon show me more. Let me see into the woman’s heart.

Jaquine leaned into the boulder, sliding down until she sat on the ground, shoulders slumped, head lowered in obvious despair. Ocean waves slapped violently onto the shore, breaking the moon’s silver beam into tiny shards of light.

“What must I do?” Jaquine asked. “I would give anything to see my baby born alive.” She hesitated, looked down at her belly. “Will you take my life in return for my baby’s?”

I did not desire to take a life. I merely wanted a helper. I remained silent, allowing the raging storm to show my rejection of Jaquine’s brave offer.

Finally, Jaquine looked up, her eyes dry. “If you allow my child to be born alive, I will offer her into your service when she comes of age.”

Fully awake now, I was grateful for the moon’s watchful eye. The wind died down. The waves grew small. The rain ceased. The clouds broke away from the moon. Jaquine stood, hope evident in her features.

“Your plea has been heard,” I said softly.

Jaquine looked around, puzzled. “You speak to me as a Goddess, yet your voice is not the voice of the Goddess I know and serve.”

“I am vast and I am infinite. I am mother to the stars and sister to the moons. I watch over the firepower of the stars in the heavens above and within the souls of men. From the power of the stars, I gave birth to the deep oceans. I rule this domain of fiery suns and watery seas as I sleep. Still, I need human help to do my work. I accept your offer.”

“You will help my unborn child?”

“Your girl child will grow safe within your womb. In return, the child is mine. My signature, the shape of a tiny star, will mark her. When it is time, I will call upon her service.”

Jaquine smiled, her relief and gratitude apparent. “I will bear a girl child. My baby will be safe,” she murmured, stroking her belly. She bowed, turned from the shore, and made her way back to the Holy Temple under the moon, its eye obscured by returning clouds.

Geodran was born in safety from the womb of her mother, the high priestess Jaquine. I, the Goddess of the Stars and the Sea, held her name in my mind until the time came to call upon her. I had kept my promise. I expected my due in return.

I have chosen a multitude of helpers over the eons of human existence. None have touched Me as deeply as this one called Geodran, daughter of Jaquine, who lived long ago on the continent of Atlantis. I give her story to you, for who can tell but that you, too, may be beckoned forth as a pathfinder into a new dawn for humankind.

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